Which Boarding School are best to choose among IGSCE and IB board

How can one approach picking the correct board, maybe even before taking a gander at different boarding schools for one’s youngster? With regards to picking a boarding school for your youngster, maybe, one significant angle to be considered is picking the correct board for your kid. 

Be that as it may, an international baccalaureate school will have the option to give your child the introduction they need in the present serious world. 

There are boarding schools offering international educational plans and the boards ordinarily are the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) and the International Baccalaureate (IB). 

Guardians, for the most part, settle on these boards directly toward the start of their youngster’s scholastics as well as when they anticipate moving to western foreign countries.

So let’s comprehend the boards of IGSCE and IB Board and what to expect from their Teaching Methodology for the student’s future. 

IB—International Boards 

This is an idea that is assembling a ton of steam as of late. The boarding schools that decide to go in for the IB board need to adhere to stringent standards like: 

  • Right foundation 
  • Extra-curricular exercises 
  • High Teacher methodology 
  • Staff 
  • The Curriculum. 

Highlights of IB – International Board 

  • IB gives youngsters an excellent edge with regards to getting ready for instruction abroad as the model is inexactly founded on global training structure. 
  • Students are required to give theses, more MCQ and idea based tests and are judged intensely on ventures. It is a very active instrument that reinforces the establishment of ideas. 
  • With the presentation of smartboard instruction, the greater part of the IB Board schools are offering tablet as the essential equipment for the Middle Years Program (Class 6-10) and the Diploma Program (Class 10-12) 
  • The IB program is progressively commonsense and application-based. It has a more extensive range of subjects that lead to all-adjust advancement. 
  • IB assessments test students’ information, not their memory and speed. There are no assessments until the Middle Years Program (Class 10). The focal point of the IB teaching method is ‘on the best way to learn’ as opposed to ‘what to learn’. 
  • There are no recommended course books; students can pick their own books. 
  • The reason for IB is to deliver worldwide residents. 
  • Yet, here and there, the IB program uses the nearby educational plan as a base. For instance, Hindi can be offered as a second language in the IB Diploma Program. 
  • The IB educational plan is more testing than instructive boards like CBSE and ICSE. Be that as it may, the test is in the nature of assignments, not in the measure of work relegated. 

Assessment Pattern: It offers 3 instructive projects, in particular 

• PYP or Primary year program for KG to Class-5 

• MYP or Middle year program for Class-6 to Class-10 

• DP or Diploma program for Class-11 and Class-12 

Subjects in the Primary Years Program (PYP) are: 

1. Language 

2. Social Studies 

3. Arithmetic 

4. Science and Technology 

5. Expressions 

6. Individual, Social and Physical instruction 

Subjects in the Middle year program or  MYP are: 

1. first Language 

2. second Language 

3. Humanities (History and Geography) 

4. Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, and Physics) 

5. Science (Number, Algebra, Geometry, Statistics, and Discrete Mathematics) 

6. Expressions (Visual Arts and Performing Arts) 

7. Physical Education 

8. Innovation (Computers) 

DP students pick one subject from every one of the accompanying six ‘Subject Groups’: 

  1. Stage 1: First Language (English) 
  2. Stage 2: Second Language (French, Hindi, and so on). 
  3. Stage 3: Individuals and Societies (History, Economics, Business and Management, and so on). 
  4. Stage  4: Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Environmental Systems). 
  5. Stage  5: Mathematics and Computer Science. 
  6. Stage  6: Electives (either Visual Arts or a second subject from Groups 3, 4, or 5). 

Also, all DP students must investigate a two-year course called Theory of Knowledge (TOK); work to deliver an Extended Essay (EE); and participate in Creativity, Action, and Service (CAS). 

What are TOK, EE, and CAS? 

The hypothesis of Knowledge is a paper of 1,200-1,600 words composed on a given title (from a decision of ten), trailed by a ten-minute introduction of the exposition by the DP understudy in class. 

Expanded Essay is unique free research driving a DP understudy to create a conceivable composed bit of 3,500-4,000 words in any picked subject and title. 

Under Creative, Action, and Service, every DP understudy must finish in any event 150 hours spread out more than one-and-a-half years, taking part in some type of Creativity, taking an interest in sport or other physical Action, and doing social Service. 

IGCSE – International General Certificate of Secondary Education 

It is a scholastically thorough, globally utilized, specific, English language educational plan that is offered to students to set them up for International Baccalaureate and CIE A-level. 

Assessment Pattern 

• Cambridge Primary, commonly for students matured 5 to 11 years 

• Cambridge Secondary 1 

• Cambridge Secondary 2 is commonly for students matured 14 to 16 years. It offers students two courses: Cambridge IGCSE and Cambridge O Level. 

• Cambridge Advanced is ordinarily for students matured 16 to 19 years who need propelled study to get ready for college and advanced education. It offers students two courses: Cambridge International AS and A Level, and Cambridge Pre-U. 

Highlights of IGCSE – International General Certificate of Secondary Education 

  • Like other present-day programs, IGCSE offers a more extensive scope of subjects and empowers high scholarly measures through a useful way to deal with educating and learning. 
  • Evaluation isn’t constrained to customarily composed papers and they comprise an assortment of tests, for example, oral and listening tests. 
  • The evaluation is focused on a wide capacity scope of students, with an eight-point reviewing scale, from A+ to G, with A+ being the most noteworthy. 
  • IGCSE is a decent educational plan and an adaptable course of study. 
  • Most subjects offer a decision between central subjects and a broadened educational program. 
  • This gives students of all capacity levels the opportunity to pick subjects that are directly for them and, accordingly, the chance to score passing marks. 
  • The main subject is an outline of the subject and is appropriate for students who are relied upon to accomplish grades C to G. 
  • The all-inclusive educational program is, kind of, a specialization in that subject. It is all the more testing and intended for students who are required to accomplish grades A+ to C. 
  • While the prospectuses and educational plans of both IB MYP and IGCSE have a global standpoint, IGCSE has all the earmarks of being marginally better, in that it is custom-fitted for a more multi-social and more multilingual crowd. 

There are five Subject Groups in IGCSE with a few subjects to browse, in each gathering: 

  • Stage 1: Languages (First Language, Second Language, Foreign Language, and so forth) 
  • Stage 2: Humanities and Social Sciences (Geography, English Literature, History, and so forth) 
  • Stage  3: Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and so forth) 
  • Stage  4: (Mathematics, Additional Mathematics, and so forth) 
  • Stage  5: Creative, Technical and Vocational (Accounting, Business Studies, Computer Studies, Music, and so forth)

The brief answer is that any decision can’t really go wrong. Both of the boards follow an insightful curriculum including written examinations, and a range of evaluation tools, such as oral lectures, academic reports, realistic activities, and individual ventures. These systems train students for high education and are highly recognized among the world’s leading universities. The best advice is to understand the need of your child and his interest in education.